From the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA:
While in Arles, Van Gogh painted two very similar portraits of Marie Ginoux, the proprietress of the Café de la Gare, wearing the regional costume of the legendary dark-haired beauties of Arles. The first version, which he described in a letter of November 1888 as "an Arlésienne . . . knocked off in one hour," must be the more thinly and summarily executed portrait in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris. In it a parasol and gloves lie on the table instead of books. This portrait belonged to the sitter until she sold it in 1895.
To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 27 May 1888.
My dear Theo
I see that I didn’t add the sample of canvas to the order for Tasset. So I’m sending you it herewith. I’d hoped to have some news from you today, thinking you would surely have received the crate. I remember writing on the declaration that the crate was to be delivered to your home address.
However, as goods train freight often stays at the station, if you haven’t received the consignment yet it would be a good idea to go by there and see.
I’ve got them to agree to repaint the house, the front, the doors and the windows outside and inside. Only I have to pay 10 francs for that myself. But I think it will be well worth the bother.
I enjoy working there. The reason I asked for some watercolour paints is because I’d like to do some pen drawings, but coloured in flat tints like Japanese prints.
I hope you’ll have as fine a Sunday in Paris as here — there’s splendid sunshine and no wind.
Write to me at once, I’ve no money left at all.
Handshake to you and to Koning.
Ever yours,
What happened in the end to the exchange Koning was going to make with me? He asked me for two of my drawings for one of his studies; I accepted, saying that he should give you the study — but I’ve had no reply to that. If it’s the case that friend Koning has changed his mind and would prefer not to exchange anything — it goes without saying that I would in no way insist on it.