To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, early May 1885.
Dear Sir,
Here are a few more books; you’ll certainly like the one by Rovers with the little etching by Israëls, and the drawings by Menzel too.
I’m very glad that you’ve been to Antwerp and have seen some good paintings there.
I hope that it will work out so that we’ll be able to go there together this summer, and then at the same time go and see the modern paintings in Brussels, which in my view are superb.
I think I’ll be in a position to do it in the course of the summer.
For my part, I particularly need to see the work of Degroux, Meunier and a few other Belgians again.
I’m enclosing with the books some woodcuts that I know you’ve already seen at my place, but it can do no harm for you to look at them again at leisure in your own home.
I have duplicates of 4, namely Renouard, Menzel, Heilbuth and Dagnan. They’re at the front of the portfolio and you can keep them.
I respectfully remain,
Your servant