- art-vanGogh.com Vincent van Gogh - Orchard in Blossom. Plum Trees 1888 with description - ArtsVanGogh.com


Vincent van Gogh - Orchard in Blossom. Plum Trees 1888

Orchard in Blossom. Plum Trees 1888
Orchard in Blossom. Plum Trees
Oil on canvas 55.0 x 65.0 cm. Arles: April, 1888
Edinburgh: National Gallery of Scotland

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From National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh:
Van Gogh immersed himself in painting the colourful orchards around Arles in the south of France, where he settled in February 1888. The structure of the branches of the plum trees is still clearly visible through the blossom and his brushstrokes follow the direction of the vertical tree trunks. He painted a series of pictures of orchards during his prolific bouts of activity in Arles. His initial optimism, expressed in letters to his brother Theo, encouraged Gauguin to join him there. They soon quarrelled, however, being temperamentally incompatible, and the following year Van Gogh's mental illness prompted his admission to the asylum at Saint-Remy.

The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

To Anton Kerssemakers. Nuenen, Friday, 3 July 1885.
Dear Sir,
I’ve finished two paintings — if you’d like to come and look at them with Van de Wakker on Sunday — very well.
Since I’ll also have finished others before long — if you want to wait — also very well.
Wanted to tell you, though, as agreed — I’m busy and can’t easily get away, as you observe. If you do come either Sunday or later — would you just tell Van der Harten, who wants to come and see my birds’ nests. Sincerely, with a handshake,
Yours truly,

When you’re coming, please advise on a postcard.